Thursday, August 9, 2007

Body Temperature

We know that your body temperature works like an internal clock. Variations in body temperature indicate and induce the feeling of being awake or being tired. Body temperature also controls the metabolism, circulation and other involuntary activities of our body. The rise and fall of body temperature during the day should not be misinterpreted as the need to rest or sleep. This happens many a times during the day depending upon the body’s activity level at a given time.

In order to recharge your physical energy. it is recommended, to take a nap of 10 – 45 minutes during the day. This nap should be taken when your body temperature has dropped and you feel sleepy. The nap should not be more than 45 minutes and you should not enter deep sleep. Deep sleep will only induce further fall in body temperature.

When you wake from your power nap, you may feel drowsy and lethargic. It is important to get your body back to normal temperature with the help of light physical movement and exposure to light. A rise in body temperature induces the feeling of alertness, feeling of being energetic resulting in better concentration levels.

Reduction in body temperature induces the feeling of lethargy, tiredness and drowsiness.

It is understandable if you feel tired even when you lead a sedentary lifestyle. This does not mean you need more sleep, but means that you need more movement and less sleep. This happens due to frequent dropping of body temperature.

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