Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Getting Educated

by: Deanna Mascle

1. In 1949, following the Communists' victory in the civil war between Communists and Nationalists, the Common Program establishes the right of all citizens to education and the responsibility of the state to provide it. In which country did this take place?

B. China

B. China
QQ: How many people got that right? The year shouldn’t have left much room for doubt…

2. The 20th century has been marked by the emergence of national school systems among developing nations, particularly in
Asia and Africa. Compulsory elementary education has become nearly universal, but evidence indicates that large numbers of children do not attend school? Can you guess how many of those that age 6 to 18 throughout the world do not attend school?

A. 20 percent
B. 30 percent
C. 40 percent
D. 50 percent

D. 50 percent
QQ: That number is far too high. The QuizQueen was outraged that she only discovered it by accident and that there is not a far greater outcry about the issue.

3. During the Middle Ages, what organization helped preserve learning, especially by saving the manuscripts of Classical Greece and

A. Monasteries
B. Monarchies
C. Masons
D. Knights Templar

A. Monasteries
QQ: Much history and learning would have been lost if the Monks had not preserved and copied ancient manuscripts.

4. Did one of these educational advances not take place during the ninth century?

A. Emperor Charlemagne instituted a revival of learning
B. Al Qarawiyin University was established in
Fes, Morocco
C. King Alfred the Great initiated a revival of learning
D. Muslims and Jews promoted education within their own societies and also served as translators who brought ancient Greek thought to European scholars
E. They are all true!

E. They are all true!
QQ: These events still have implications for modern educators and students.

5. What movement led to the creation of elementary and secondary schools in the 16th century?

A. The Renaissance
B. The Humanist
C. The Reformation
D. The Counter Reformation

C. The Reformation
QQ: Martin Luther’s Reformation movement led to the creation of Protestant elementary and secondary schools, although the Counter Reformation later led to the Jesuits setting up a Roman Catholic school system in many countries.

6. During which century were the foundations laid for the possibility of mass education?

A. 20th
B. 19th
C. 18th
D. 17th

C. 18th
QQ: During this century
Prussia established a school system, Peter the Great began a formal education system in Russia, schools and colleges were developed in Colonial America, and education reforms resulted from the French Revolution. In addition, in England the Sunday school movement was initiated for the benefit of poor and working children.

7. Which educator developed the teaching method that stresses development of initiative and self-reliance by permitting children to do by themselves the things that interest them, but within strictly disciplined limits?

A. Maria Montessori of Italy
B. Johann Herbart of Germany
C. Horace Mann of the United States
D. Herbert Spencer of England

A. Maria Montessori of Italy
QQ: She first introduced the now world-famous Montessori Method in 1907.

8. Educational systems in the Western world were based on the educational methods of which religious tradition?

A. Roman Catholic
B. Jewish
C. Hindu
D. Buddhist

B. Jewish
QQ: Surprised? You shouldn’t be!

9. Which ancient Greek philosopher created the foundation for the liberal arts education widely embraced by Western educators?

A. Plato
B. Isocrates
C. Aristotle
D. Socrates

B. Isocrates
QQ: He believed in teaching the whole student—mind, body, and soul—to be a well-rounded person.

10. What is scholasticism?

A. The art of earnest study
B. An ordered system integrating both the natural wisdom of
Greece and Rome and the religious wisdom of Christianity
C. Writer’s cramp
D. A paper cut

B. An ordered system integrating both the natural wisdom of
Greece and Rome and the religious wisdom of Christianity
QQ: It was a philosophical and theological movement that took place during the Middle Ages.

11. Which culture has one of the oldest known systems of education, a system that taught religion and promoted the traditions of the people?

A. American
B. Druidic
C. Egyptian
D. Roman Catholic

C. Egyptian
QQ: Maybe you didn’t know the answer, but the other options should have made this easy!

12. Who wrote The Century of the Child, arguing that young children require flexible and creative instruction that responds to each child’s individual needs and talents, which was published in 1900?

A. Maria Montessori of Italy
B. Ellen Key of Sweden
C. Bertrand Russell of England
D. John Dewey of the United States

B. Ellen Key of Sweden
QQ: Barnets århundrade was translated as The Century of the Child in 1909.

13. During what century did science become a part of the courses of study in the universities and secondary schools?

A. 18th
B. 17th
C. 16th
D. 15th

B. 17th
QQ: The foundation of the Royal Society of London for improving Natural Knowledge in 1660 helped simplify the exchange of scientific and cultural information and ideas among European scholars.

14. Why did British religious leader Robert Raikesis found the modern Sunday school movement?

A. To provide secular and religious education to factory children
B. To convert Irish Catholic children to Protestantism
C. To promote the children’s Bible he’s written
D. To up the congregation of the
Church of England

To provide secular and religious education to factory children
QQ: He established the first Sunday school at Gloucester in 1780 as a means of furnishing both secular and religious education to children whose employment in the factories prevented them from attending the secular schools.

15. When were the first universities established in northern

A. 8th Century
B. 10th Century
C. 12th Century
D. 14th Century

C. 12th Century
QQ: The Scholasticism movement and renown of such teachers as Saint Thomas Aquinas led to this development although education was still the privilege of the upper classes.

About The Author

Deanna Mascle shares more fun themed trivia quizzes with her blog at http://QuizQueen.net.

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